
Fuel Tomorrow: Role Models


Background: Gatorade believes sports have the potential to unlock opportunities and shape lives, but access, expectations, and support are unequal.

Overview: In 2022, Gatorade announced a major, multi-year commitment to improving equity in sports. The brand would devote millions of dollars to helping kids get in and stay in sports. We supported that initiative with three campaigns over the course of the year, each focused on a different barrier to sports participation. The second “chapter” of our story addressed issues of representation and stereotyping.

Problem: Many kids never begin playing sports or drop out because they don’t see themselves represented in the game.

Solution: Role models make us believe in ourselves, so we would help more young athletes see their own potential by celebrating what’s inside trailblazing athletes who look like them.

Comms Approach: We focused our efforts on two key pillars.

  1. Elevate diverse, inspiring role models to resonate with teens from a wide range of backgrounds and experiences.

  2. Leverage opportunities for deeper storytelling about trailblazing athletes via voices and channels our key audiences trust.

The Work: Some of the key elements of the campaign included…

  • Hero TVC / OLV films featuring tennis legend Serena Williams, high school basketball phenom Hansel Enmanuel, and Olympic gold medal gymnast Suni Lee.

  • A content hub on with longer-form films providing wisdom and inspiration from each of our featured role models, as well as perspective on what it means to be a role model from the young athletes who appeared alongside them in our films.

  • Partnered with Whistle Sports, a leading digital media platform for young athletes, to develop two custom episodes of their popular YouTube series No Days Off featuring the powerful stories of role model teen athletes.

Role: Led integrated campaign strategy and comms planning.


Gatorade: The Way To Be Great


Gatorade: Greatness Starts With G